Forwarded Ports

General Vagrant doc page: Forwarded Ports.

Defining a Forwarded Port

The forwarded port configuration expects two parameters, the port on the guest and the port on the host. Example:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080

This will allow accessing port 80 on the guest via port 8080 on the host.

Options Reference

This is a complete list of the options that are available for forwarded ports. Only the guest and host options are required. Below this section, there are more detailed examples of using these options.

  • guest (int) - The port on the guest that you want to be exposed on the host. This can be any port.

  • host (int) - The port on the host that you want to use to access the port on the guest. It is recommended to use port greater than 1024.

  • protocol (string) - Either "udp" or "tcp". This specifies the protocol that will be allowed through the forwarded port. By default this is "tcp".

Port Collisions and Correction

It is common when running multiple Vagrant machines to unknowingly create forwarded port definitions that collide with each other (two separate Vagrant projects forwarded to port 8080, for example). Vagrant includes built-in mechanism to detect this and correct it, automatically.

Port collision detection is always done. Vagrant will not allow you to define a forwarded port where the port on the host appears to be accepting traffic or connections.

Port collision auto-correction must be manually enabled for each forwarded port, since it is often surprising when it occurs and can lead the Vagrant user to think that the port wasn't properly forwarded. Enabling auto correct is easy:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080,
    auto_correct: true

The final :auto_correct parameter set to true tells Vagrant to auto correct any collisions. During a vagrant up or vagrant reload, Vagrant will output information about any collisions detections and auto corrections made, so you can take notice and act accordingly.